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Who We Are

Nventive Communication Kenya

The best option on Kenya and throughout Africa.

We are consultants that deal in ICT, Branding, Printing, Marketing, E-Commerce, Website Design, Communication, Networking, and Business Application Integration in Kenya and Africa, additionally with plans to expand into North America.

We use knowledge management, digital marketing, brand marketing, technology, research, and analysis development to address business strategies.

We provide innovative, effective, and appealing business and digital solutions that are research-oriented to your core business activities as ICT Consultants.

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Who we Are

Vision & Mission

Creative, Innovative, Effective & Passionate

To provide research-based interactive business and digital solutions that are innovative, effective, and appealing to your core business.

An African business digital world that is appealing

To turn digital business brands into reality

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Our Values

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An Icon Displaying Passion


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Integrity Icon


Professionalism Icon


Who We Are

Why Pick Us?

Creative, Innovative, Effective & Passionate

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Who We Are

Why Work with US?

We Analyze, We Ideate, We Create

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