Agora Afrika Website Development

Agora Afrika

Agora Afrika Overview

Agora Afrika is a digital content and experiential marketing agency.

Their goal is to empower everyone of us with the ability to experience growth through mutually beneficial strategies.

Our Goal

Our key factors are to make a responsive event blogging website that will be perfectly featured on any device: computers, tablets and smartphones. An eye-catching color scheme really grabs attention. It is a simple website with an impressive look.  All the sections and features present the site beautifully and with its interactions, so everyone will enjoy observing the site and of course use it. A minimal design with the combination of colors and a lot of spacing makes a creative atmosphere.


  1. User Experience Design
  2. Mobile Friendly content management system
  3. Event blogging feature
  4. News updates,
  5. Referral Marketing Capability
  6. Social Linking
  7. SEO Optimization
  8. Google Integration



The result exceeded all expectations. A professional-looking website comes together with a minimalist design and user-friendly interface. A Mobile Friendly Event Blogging Website

Live Site



Nventive Communication Web Portfolio 3


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